Monday, September 21, 2009

End of Summer Blowout Lobster Spec-Tac-U-Laaarrrrr: Introduction

Dinner with friends is always a fun way to mark an occasion, the passage of time, or simply to unwind a bit. With this in mind, and the time flying by, we decided to host an end-of-summer dinner with a few friends. I'm not entirely sure the idea wasn't (not-so-)secretly about eating more lobster. I grew up in the mid-Atlantic region; I learned to eat crabs when I was pretty young. My husband, on the other hand, is a true New Englander, and loves lobster (this is the understatement of the year...honestly). We have lobster on a not-infrequent basis - because it's a holiday, because it's the beginning of summer, because it's Saturday, because the store had lots of lobsters. Any excuse for lobster! The latest excuse: a relaxing shared evening with friends to mark the end of summer...what else could we serve but lobster!?!?!

So, up to this point, one would assume a simple steamed lobster feast, right? Maybe a side of corn or something. We run in a slightly more...lobsterific...crowd, though! A few weeks ago, we had dinner with some friends, all of whom were planning to join us for the end of summer feast. That night we had pork in three different dishes, and the gauntlet was thrown. "Are we going to have lobster three ways?" With such a statement on the table, what else could I do, but plan such an event?

In true celebratory fashion, we served (and ate!) lobster, three ways. I'll cover the details in coming posts!

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