Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Slice of Yum

Last night, I got home a little late from my class, but had a quick dinner plan in mind. I’d bought a Maryland-style crab cake at the grocery store, and had a zucchini and a yellow squash in the fridge. Perfect for a quick and tasty meal!

I turned on the oven for the crab (I bake them) and got out my benriner slicer. I quickly peeled the veggies, though not perfectly. After all, a little skin adds color! I sliced the squash onto a little plate. At this point, I put the crab cake in the oven to bake, which only takes about 15 minutes. Then I continued by slicing the zucchini.

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: If your slicer comes with one of those handy-dandy slicing guards, when your zucchini cylinder is less than an inch tall, USE IT. I sliced my thumb open on the slicer last night. Ouch. Nothing dire, but I spent so much time going back and forth to the bathroom to clean it and the stove to cook, that I took no pictures of this meal.

I melted a tablespoon of salted butter in a skillet, then tossed in the veggie slices and let them cook. As they start to smell yummy, flip them in the pan (like on TV…do a quick scoop with the pan to flip the slices into the air!). You can also use a spatula.

After a few minutes, I added some salt and freshly ground pepper, and continued to toss and stir the veggies. When the crab cake had been in the oven for 10 minutes, I added a very thin slice of butter on top of it, just for moisture.

In about 15 minutes, my dinner was done – and I ate the entire squash and the entire zucchini. Hooray for veggies!

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