Friday, July 30, 2010

The First Summer Corn

One evening this week, I realized I still had an ear of corn in the vegetable bin, and wanted to enjoy those fresh kernels of summer. However, with only one ear of it I also knew that would not be enough to be my entire dinner, so I improvised. I sliced the kernels off the corn cob and sauteed them with a little butter. When they were just a little tender and fragrant, I added in my chopped Tokyo Bekana, which is simply a lovely, slightly curly green. (I'm not too proud to admit that I also ate several spoonfuls of corn kernels at this point, as well.)

Corn and Tokyo Bekana

I also cooked up some little cheese ravioli to add a bit of protein to the plate. When the pasta was done cooking, and the greens were softening a bit, I added a few spoons of ricotta to the pan with the greens and corn. I then dumped in the pasta.

After about another minute of stirring it together, the ricotta began to soften and melt, making a sauce that held the greens and corn to the pasta, melding it into a plateful of light, summery scrumptiousness.

Ravioli with Ricotta, Corn and Tokyo Bekana

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